
Bin Laden Thinks We’ll Do Ourselves In

September 9, 2007

There’s been a lot of buzz (and spin) on the blogs about the latest bin Laden video, so I might as well add my thoughts on it. 

Like many people, I wondered if bin Laden was still alive, so I’m going to go ahead and assume that this appearance proves that he is (although I suppose that it is possible that it’s a hoax).  I only saw a portion of it, so I’ll base my comments from here on in on the transcript.

Bin Laden is all over the board with this.  He mentions everything from Chomsky to global warming to capitalism to Iraq to Jesus and Mary.  I was three pages in and I was a bit unsure if it was really making any sense.  It started out as veiled gloating and evolved into what could best be described as…um…advice.   Eventually, I think I got it, however.

What’s remarkably absent, I guess, is any talk of future attacks.   The point I think he’s attempting to make here is that they don’t need to.   He’s appears to be saying that 9/11 was a catalyst that prompted a course of action that will lead to our downfall.   According to bin Laden,  because of our flawed capitalist system combined with our stubborn and arrogant leadership (who do the bidding of the corporations), we will bankrupt ourselves…and the only thing that will save us is Islam.

While reading it, I couldn’t help but wonder what the heck he’d have to say if we hadn’t invaded Iraq.  Who knows?  Maybe he wouldn’t be saying anything.  Maybe he’d be dead or captured by now.

Another thing worth mentioning is the question of whether any of this is really what he believes.  This propagandistic speech is directed at us Americans, and it would be irresponsible to dismiss the notion that he’s just messing with us.  In other words, the speech itself is less a genuine piece of advise and more of an instrument of sociological warfare.  In fact, Jason Stark over at mvdg proposes exactly that:

If I am right about Osama’s plan, then he must be very happy. Actually, he must be very happy regardless of whether he planned it. The response from far right and far left are predictable and to Osama’s benefit. Rather than focusing on how to best fight bin Laden, both the far left and the far right are spending all their energy on each other. The only winner from this obsessive internal political demonization that has become the sum total of American political culture? Osama bin Laden.

Maybe we’re both right.  Perhaps the message kills 2 birds with one stone.  He gets to gloat and inspire and stick his grubby fingers in our political discourse at the same time. 

I feel kind of guilty even posting about this now.  After all, we’re allowing a bearded nutbar in a cave on the other side of the globe to have so much power.  How humiliating. 

Update:  The Telegraph speculates that bin Laden’s speechwriter may be Adam Gadahn.

Bin Laden referred to “the reeling of many of you under the burden of interest-related debts, insane taxes and real estate mortgage” and blamed “global warming and its woes” on “emissions of the factories the major corporations”.

A former senior US intelligence official said: “It has Adam Gadahn written all over it.” Mike Baker, a former CIA covert operations officer, said the tape left bin Laden with “the title of biggest gas bag in the terrorist world”.



  1. I am not convinced that he wrote this.

  2. “I feel kind of guilty even posting about this now. After all, we’re allowing a bearded nutbar in a cave on the other side of the globe to have so much power. How humiliating.”

    In a healthy country anything Osama has to say would be immediately dismissed – he murdered almost 3000 people and gloated about it. Any power he has comes from those who give it to him. I don’t give Osama more than a passing thought (it’s usually a thought of him in a bag) – because catching Osama will not end the movement that started before him and will be around after him.

    What does September 11 mean to you? Has it changed you or the country you live in? I believe its changed me and I believe we are a different country for the terror we experienced on that day. How we channel those feelings matter – I would hope we move in a productive manner to face our fears and those that prey on the innocent.

    Don’t be humiliated – Osama means to put you on your knees. If anything positive came out of that day it was that we can say we’ve seen the face of evil – and plan to recognize it next time it calls for more of our own…

  3. if we give up our freedom, then we’ve lost.
    some people think that sacrificing freedom for safety is a good trade. to them all i guess i can say is that it does not behoove slaves to talk of freedom. if they are happier in chains, let them keep them.

  4. Evrviglnt-

    What does September 11 mean to you? Has it changed you or the country you live in?

    I actually had a thread on that very subject,here.

    On the one hand, you’re saying that you don’t give Osama a passing thought, but on the other you say that 9/11 changed you. I believe that allowing an act of terrorism to affect you so is giving him too much power. The goal wasn’t merely to kill Americans but was intended as a means to an end.

  5. i agree, ChenZhen.
    i think that giving up any freedoms at all let the terrorists win. none of the crazy stuff going on now would ever have went through without 9/11. NONE.

  6. “On the one hand, you’re saying that you don’t give Osama a passing thought, but on the other you say that 9/11 changed you. I believe that allowing an act of terrorism to affect you so is giving him too much power. The goal wasn’t merely to kill Americans but was intended as a means to an end.”

    Osama is a man in a cave – Islamic terrorism brought down buildings and killed Americans who’s only crime was to show up to work on time that day. There is a movement afoot that teaches its faithful that sexual gratification for eternity is the prize for those that kill infidels. If outrage over that act of terrorism on September 11 is giving him too much power, then what kind of power does it give him when we refuse to take the threat he represents seriously? We tried that approach before. There’s a giant hole in the ground in New York.

    There’s a reason he wants Bush out of office. It’s the same reason the bully wants the teacher out of the room. For all the mistakes Bush has made, there’s one thing we all should have learned by now – pretending terrorism doesn’t exist only comes back to kill us…

  7. Devil – you’re right, and as a conservative I know where the true threat to our freedoms lie. But to relegate our government to brining chalk to the crime scene to outline the bodies doesn’t protect America. We have to find a middle ground where our liberties are safe from the grasping hand of government.

    “The Constitution is not a suicide pact.”

  8. i agree with you on that

  9. There’s a reason he wants Bush out of office. There’s a reason he wants Bush out of office. It’s the same reason the bully wants the teacher out of the room. For all the mistakes Bush has made, there’s one thing we all should have learned by now – pretending terrorism doesn’t exist only comes back to kill us…

    I’m not sure one can assume that Osama would’ve preferred Kerry. And I don’t think anyone was pretending terrorism didn’t exist. There was just a different approach taken when it came to dealing with it.

    “The Constitution is not a suicide pact.”

    I have a thread on that too, here. 😉

  10. Osama bin laden is just an ass …
    he is rejected son of his family who want nothing to do with him so thats not really a great deal about him .. he is a loser

  11. “if we give up our freedom, then we’ve lost.
    some people think that sacrificing freedom for safety is a good trade. to them all i guess i can say is that it does not behoove slaves to talk of freedom. if they are happier in chains, let them keep them.”

    This reminds me of a quote I read just yesterday. I quite liked it:

    “They who would give up an essential liberty for temporary security, deserve neither liberty or security” – Benjamin Franklin

  12. It’s a joke. Ethereal enemies, the “Boogie Man.” Perpetual fear and perpetual war. The Capitalists wet dream.

    How can we ever undo the damage this administration has wrought?

  13. Basically he says what I have been saying all along: 9/11 was kind of a trigger to unleash the expected US reaction. Massud, the only rallying figure in Afghanistan has been killed two days before the attack, so that he was out of the way. As opposed to the US reactions, everything in the 9/11 attacks seems to be thouroughly planned.

    That’s why I always kept saying, that Bush was playing by AQs rules and invading Iraq was the icing on the wet dreams of Bin Laden.

  14. Hey abaris! Nice to see you here. Sorry I haven’t been to FB too much lately. So many blogs, so little time…

    Anyway, check out my follow up post in the next thread, which addresses a bit of what you posted there.

  15. FB obviously doesn’t exist anymore. Down for a month now.

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