
I Voted For Franken

November 10, 2008

Just in case anyone was wondering.


click for sample ballot (pdf)

As a resident here in MN, I had the *ahem* privilege to see the nastiest campaign in history play out over the last few months.  The sheer volume of ads was, quite frankly, dizzying.  And I must say, toward the end there it had gotten to the point where it was almost comical (in a dark comedy sort of way), as they had given up addressing policy altogether, instead lowering the “discourse” to a tit-for-tat rebuttal of each other’s ads. 

Anyway, I just figured that it worth noting, since it appears that my ballot will soon be in someone’s hands for the big recount of 2.8 million plus.  Here’s the latest tally:

The latest figures reported to the secretary of state give incumbent Coleman a lead over Franken of only 204 votes Monday morning.

That’s down 17 votes from the margin reported last week in tallies that are still considered unofficial. The difference of only about one-hundredth of 1 percent between the two candidates will trigger an automatic recount next week.

And the odds that Franken can come away victorious?  Well, Mr. Silver at 538.com has a great analysis, and Franken’s chances are both good and bad, depending how you look at it.   Let’s just say that the next few weeks will be pretty interesting here in the Land of 10K Lakes, ’cause as ugly as the campaign itself was, the recount process could prove to be even uglier.  In the very least, I’m curious to see just how many people were careless enough to screw up their ballots.  I mean, look at it.  It ain’t that tough.

Exit question:  If Franken does wind up winning, and it’s the dummies that put him over the top, what does that say?

WordPress.com Political Blogger Alliance

Update: Just for giggles, I’ll explore some possible examples of an under/over vote:






And just in case you want to make your own, here’s the blank one.  Try it.  It’s fun!  And remember, it’s about the spirit of voter intent!

Update:  Something looks rather familiar over at 538.


  1. I’m more surprised to find out you live in minnesota.

  2. did you actually vote for that ass poney?

  3. Whoops vote probably doesn’t count…didn’t fully shade in the bubble.

    I wouldn’t have voted for Franken, and it is quite surprising that you live in Minnesota, I was thinking Oklahoma 🙂

  4. Yep, Minnesota. What, didn’t catch my accent? lol


    Whoops vote probably doesn’t count…didn’t fully shade in the bubble.

    It will now! 😉

  5. Hey Rabbit,

    I am very sorry to hear about your loss. There’s not much one can say when something like that happens but to simply say I’m sorry. You’re in my thoughts friend.

    I’ve pretty much moved from The Chamber because it has become vacuous. I’ll be around to rub Chen’s nose in it once it become obvious the snake oil candidate of hope and change truly is a flunkie, now that he has to perform without excuse. And of course, to remind Chen of his ongoing comical personal shortcomings as indicated by the content of this thread.

    Until then, see you on the lighter side. Keep in touch.

  6. Thanks Tex….we are pretty devastated about it to be honest. But, life goes on.

  7. I’ll be around to rub Chen’s nose in it once it become obvious the snake oil candidate of hope and change truly is a flunkie, now that he has to perform without excuse. And of course, to remind Chen of his ongoing comical personal shortcomings as indicated by the content of this thread.

    Happy to have ya, Tex. But aren’t they all snake oil candidates, though, to some extent?

  8. Whoa, vacuous…had to look that one up 🙂 Have I been gone that long seems like I missed a lot of the happenings over here. Seems like McCain supporters have been rather unenthusiastic lately and bitter…kind of don’t like it, we need all need people to argue out points with or we just become one sided zombies not looking at or knowing both sides of the issues. I just got finished arguing with a McCain supporter and we came to the agreement that Palin is better qualified to be VP then John Edwards is 😀 So, there’s always good outcomes even if you disagree fundamentally.
    Ok I’m done being off topic…

  9. Re: “vacuous”

    Well, yea, the Super Obama World thread was pretty much a throwaway.

  10. Yeah, I was going to mention that but, I was thinking about creating a post about that game so I didn’t want to accuse myself also being vacuous. The game, which was quite fun but kind of sucks in a way because you only get one life, stupid pigs keep gettin’ me.

  11. Thread updated. 😆

  12. I don’t know why Sensico would need to look up the word vacuous. I always use the word vacuous and Sensico in conjunction when posting.

    Kind of like I always think the full name General Amylgada Chenzhen.

    So General Amylgada, has Franken been able to steal and election yet? I heard they found about 100 ballots out of thin air in some remote county, all going for Franken – a statistical impossibility according to pollsters.

    Status quo for the Dimocratic party and definitely a sign of things to come. Shouldn’t be too long before the lefty thugs come kickin’ in the Tex family door to stifle dissent.

    I got a surprise for them upon arrival… 😉

  13. Status quo for the Dimocratic party and definitely a sign of things to come. Shouldn’t be too long before the lefty thugs come kickin’ in the Tex family door to stifle dissent.

    I got a surprise for them upon arrival…

    Whoa, in my philosophy class that’s what we call a slippery-slope fallacy.

  14. Hey General,

    Remember when you gave me that patronizing speech some time back about all the national Dimocratic successes in 2006? How Dimocracy was dominating everywhere?

    Well, let old Tex point how much we love President Elect POS and the rest of your heathen ilk where Tex resides:


    Even the blacks and casino crowd hate Obamer where I’m from. And that Vacuous Sensico thinks I’m bitter?

    Did I mention all those Southern states that didn’t vote for Obamer? We operate in the black down here. Wait until we vote to close the GM and Ford shops for lack of performance, and California and NY gov’ts go belly up from lack of funds. One step from bankruptcy…

    ♫ Bye Bye Michigan. Bye Bye Manhattan. Bye Bye San Fran. We hate to see you broke… ♫

  15. Whoa, in my philosophy class that’s what we call a slippery-slope fallacy.

    Well, in my first stab at Kant, we had a different definition.

    We used to call it bloody…

  16. Shouldn’t be too long before the lefty thugs come kickin’ in the Tex family door to stifle dissent.

    I got a surprise for them upon arrival…

    Jeez, well, um, hmmm…that sounds kinda…I dunno…anti-idiotarian.

  17. Jeez, well, um, hmmm…that sounds kinda…I dunno…anti-idiotarian.


    See General, that’s why it will be hardest for me to point my barrels at you and “R”. I’ll save you for guys for last because at least you’re funny. That was a classic, wasn’t it? Some of the other comments were belly busters too.

    Like I said, for a punching bag, my hat is off. You’ve withstood about every insult I could throw and you’re still standing.

  18. See General, that’s why it will be hardest for me to point my barrels at you and “R”. I’ll save you for guys for last because at least you’re funny.

    Good to see I’ll be one of the last “to go”. Tex, can you give me time to get my pagan ass up to Alaska since I hear that’s where everybody’s gonna be picked up for the trip to Heaven during the “last days.” 🙂

  19. No one is gonna kick down your door, Tex. Well, the “lefties” won’t, anyway. The FBI or Secret Service, on the other hand…

  20. I just wanted to come back and acknowledge that Rutherford’s comment rocks…I wish I was that good with comebacks.
    And Tex, your so paranoid, I recommend therapy and pills. Before I sign off and go to sleep, in a last note of unity a McCain supporter called into to c-span and said that even though McCain has lost that Obama is now her president and we should give him a chance to before attacking him for no reason.
    I recommend you get off your wingnut drugs and do the same.

  21. Rutherford,

    Tex, can you give me time to get my pagan ass up to Alaska since I hear that’s where everybody’s gonna be picked up for the trip to Heaven during the “last days.”

    Sure, but won’t that only put you far from home when you’re left behind?

    My suggestion would be to stay close to the rest of the heathens you surround yourself with – that way, you can at least share food for a time. Something tells me you would get moose stomped in Alaska.

    Only somebody of Sensico’s external depth Rutherford would think you rock. Now if she had prefaced that with getting rocked, or your world is going to get rocked, or rocking the Casbah, then I would have had to nod my head in agreement.


    I sense a disturbance in the force. I sense your ass beginning to waffle now that you’ve got your chance on stage? Why, we expect great things from your messiah. Like I said, the ballroom set, the music is playing. Now it’s your chance to perform. Good luck…

    And before you go to class tomorrow and grab another F in Org in the most overrated formal education, take another toke and try to grab a sense of the irony…when you graduate, your messiah should just about have the economy in complete dire straights. You’ll have a chance in the Peace Corp.

  22. My new hero.


    Showing us all there is a better way…at least in dealing with mouthy Obama supporters.

  23. Oh that’s cute Tex.

  24. What I’d like to know is what kind of screwy legal system charges someone with a misdemeanor for putting another guy in critical condition in the hospital?

    Tex, before you go supporting your “hero”, wouldn’t you like to know his actual beef? What’s he afraid of, that Obama might actually keep him in Afghanistan for a while to go after the folks who are really a threat to us?

    Flanagan is a disgrace to our men in uniform. Hardly a hero. But then Tex, you already knew that.

  25. And Tex, for a little perspective, I think you should check out this.

  26. “R”,

    Do you know I can’t go to bed without first stopping by to read your exchange. It’s almost a hobby and morbid curiosity.

    No, I don’t think the punk is a hero and I’m glad you finally have figured out half of what I post here is flaccid bunk. But I do think it is a sign of things to come. We don’t know what happened, so we don’t even know who is at fault (probably both). I expect it was a couple of drunks and somebody went overboard on the beating because the judgment highly impaired. But you do have to admit, things are beginning to reach a tipping point.

    Now you and I, or Chen and I wouldn’t come to blows because neither of us take the other terribly seriously, and we are perfectly content to exchange barbs, negate each other’s vote and sometimes laugh about it (unless I had a hammer in my hand).

    However, there are enough hard feelings as I’ve tried to explain to you and Rabbit that many folks a little off-kilter are going to lash out – sometimes with tragic results. This isn’t some hurt feelings as you’ve expressed. I expect this to become a more common occurrence in the weeks and months to come.

  27. Chen,

    Do you think I have contracted ODS, do you? 😆

    Now, I think you need to be completely fair and recognize that for at least three years, I’ve heard you rip Bush for every rhyme or reason because of your unhinged bias and dope smoking ways. You epitomize the Obama rube. I’ve seen Sarah Palin verbally crucified here and you hardly know the woman. She’s been called a c*nt, a dimwit, etc…

    I’ll give Obama his chance. But it would be the height of gall on your behalf to at least not recognize, you’ve been dishing it out and it is a little late to be making nice, acting if my verbiage is some new phenomenon. So now you need to accept the shots we take at your messiah and your party when you screw up.

    I already know Obama’s an empty suit and a liar and can’t possibly do the things he promised. But I am willing to let things play out. I’m not willing to give you a free ride while it plays out.

    My shots are reserved not specifically for THE PROPHET, but for the assholes who have acted very poorly for the last seven years.

  28. Tex-

    Now, I think you need to be completely fair and recognize that for at least three years, I’ve heard you rip Bush for every rhyme or reason because of your unhinged bias and dope smoking ways. You epitomize the Obama rube.

    Remember that we are talking about arguably the least popular president in the history of the U.S. here, so I think it’d be helpful to your argument if you’d cite examples of anything I’ve posted that qualifies as lacking good reason or “unhinged”. And I think I’ve toned down over the last year or so.

    I’ve seen Sarah Palin verbally crucified here and you hardly know the woman. She’s been called a c*nt, a dimwit, etc…

    Oh come ON! I certainly haven’t used the c-word, and I think the argument I’ve been making over the course of my Palin posts has been that she just doesn’t know things that a VP outta know (well, that, and she says “also” an awful lot).

    Look, I try to differentiate between smart and intelligent. Like, who knows, she might kick ass at crossword puzzles and such, or maybe she’s a math whiz. But the idea that Palin “had not paid attention to a single policy debate that’s gone on in this country for 10 years” isn’t exactly an accolade for a VP candidate.

  29. Well, how do you differentiate between smart and intelligent Chen? You do recognize their synonyms, don’t you? Kind of like differentiating between fool and half-wit? 😉

    One entry found.

    Entry Word: intelligent
    Function: adjective
    (1) having or showing quickness of mind [the dolphin is considered one of the most intelligent animals.]

    Synonyms: alert, brainy, bright, brilliant, clever, keen, nimble, quick, quick-witted, sharp, sharp-witted, smart

    I guess you haven’t heard the The Palin crap courtesy of Carl Cameron and the always “anonymous” source was a hoax, he has been left with egg on his face, and you’re still repeating it? I assume you will retract your statements when they are shown to be untrue?

    And par for the course, while belittling your political opponent, you have once again failed to explain exactly what qualifies Biden or Obama as a men of intellect.

    Can you tell me one thing on record, anything that you can prove besides hearsay and beyond dispute, that Palin said during the campaign that would compare to the following: (1) thinking FDR held his fireside chats in between the Saturday morning cartoons on TV; or (2) Hillary winning Kentucky because of the close proximity of Kentucky to Arkansas?


    Let me ask you Chen? What is it concerning your own personal credentials that you believes best represents to your audience your qualifications to determine if somebody intelligent? Why should Tex not think you a know nothing that breezes around the internet looking for links to cut and paste to support a view that you’ve been spoon fed from the Rutherford types?

    I’m just curious as to why you consider yourself a subject matter expert with respect to politics?

    A perfect example of why I think you shallow Chen:

    Remember that we are talking about arguably the least popular president in the history of the U.S. here

    Need I remind you again that so was Harry Truman? For a brief time, Abraham Lincoln probably the most hated President? And time passes, and the truth is exposed, and history begins to form a differing opinion, and begins to give credit to the difficulty of the associations.

    Do you honestly think Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter are now being written as great Presidents, do you Chen? Both had far higher approval ratings upon leaving office. And both have become buffoons, even in your circles.

    Let me give you a head’s up and this is in all serious. If you want to be taken seriously, what you ought to do is first remove the log from your own eye…

  30. Chen,

    Knowing how you love her…and believing she is spot on, as usual:

    In the spirit of reaching across the aisle, we owe it to the Democrats to show their president the exact same kind of respect and loyalty that they have shown our recent Republican president.”

    ~ Ann Coulter

  31. Here Chen,

    Add this one to your reportage as you preach about ODS. At least, upon reading it you won’t be completely clueless.


  32. Spreading the wealth

    Barack Obama, Michelle Obama and Oprah Winfrey were flying on Obama’s private plane.

    Obama looked at Oprah, chuckled and said, ‘You know, I could throw a $1,000 bill out of the window right now and make somebody very happy.

    Oprah shrugged her shoulders and replied, ‘I could throw ten $100 bills out of the window and make ten people very happy.

    Michelle added, That being the case, I could throw one hundred $10 bills out of the window and make a hundred people very happy.’

    Hearing their exchange the pilot rolled his eyes and said to his co-pilot, “Such big-shots back there. I could throw all of them out of the window and make 56 million people very happy.” 😉

  33. It’s a shame George Carlin is dead and didn’t decide to run for Senate. He was 1. funny, 2. insightful 3. informed and 4. equal opportunity ball buster.


    I need to cheer by brother up. Rabbit, if you’re simply perusing blogs, let me give you kudos!

    Man, you made the net I can tell by the bow behind the RINO! Page down…


  35. and Tex Taylor, goes on and on and on….

  36. Sensico,

    Half the time, being you can’t string two coherent sentences together as your blog attests, I can understand the confusion.

    And since I consider you numero uno in carrying the mantle of the dumbest blogger on WordPress, as I believe I stated one time and one time only on your rotten site, I really would like to ask one question.

    To wise child prodigy with the Sarah Palin fixation, who as yet still hasn’t received her degree, exactly what are you credentials and expertise in discussing matters of importance? Sophomore level classes?

  37. Damn Tex! I spend a day at work and I come back to all this. But you still have yet to cite an example of me “unhinged”, but anyway…

    Well, how do you differentiate between smart and intelligent Chen? You do recognize their synonyms, don’t you? Kind of like differentiating between fool and half-wit?

    I’ve always used the example of two hypothetical prisoners. The smart one is the guy who spends his days reading books and becoming educated. The intelligent one is the guy who figures out a way to escape.

    I guess you haven’t heard the The Palin crap courtesy of Carl Cameron and the always “anonymous” source was a hoax, he has been left with egg on his face, and you’re still repeating it? I assume you will retract your statements when they are shown to be untrue?

    Hey now, I just posted the Cameron video. I report, you decide on that one. The sources were a hoax? In what way?

    But Palin really did offer up that quote on the First Amendment, she really did look clueless when asked about the Bush Doctrine, and she really did have that jaw-dropping interview with Katie Couric, etc.

  38. Whoa, thanks for attacking me for going to college (not a sophomore) and having an opinion on important decisions. And thanks for assuming just because Im in college that I wouldn’t have a educated credible opinion…maybe college is too elite for you. When I first started my blog I talked about issues and actually provided information on where the candidates stand based on their voting records in the senate…I never say you at least once refer to something that one can consider credible, instead you make baseless comments and your proof is crazy right wing websites and what your “hero” says. Why don’t you be a little more substantive 🙄
    Wheres your blog? You might as well start one if you haven’t already…I’d love to that disaster of a blog.
    And for a guy who thinks he is smarter then everyone it would be nice if you acted like it.

  39. General 😆

    Yea, well I probably did overdue it today as I now kind of use your website as kind a jumping point like I used to use Charlie’s. Sorry…take it as a compliment when you think me a pain in the ass.

    How many examples do you want to show you’re completely loopy? My lawd, you went on about Sarah Palin until dawn everyday. Look, I know she gives your wet dreams as she is a doll, but do you realize she is so outstanding that she’s stealing your elected boy’s limelight?

    She is still the focal point of media coverage. The right idolizing her, the left making attempts to smear her. It is so obvious that not only is Palin a force, incredibly popular and controversial, and a dire threat to nags like Sensico, that she’s here to stay. Do you hear anything about Joltin’ Joe but snickers about his vampire forehead and his incompetence. No…

  40. Sensico,

    maybe college is too elite for you

    Whoa, you’ve pegged me now. Do they teach anything about punctuation or run-on sentences in college anymore? I read that three times and it still doesn’t make much sense.

    You sniffin’ glue?

  41. Oh, and your Coulter Credits are just about used up. She’s irrelevant, especially around here.

    What, she’s bitter about poor ol’ Bush gettin a bad rap? Well, too bad Ann, ’cause he deserved pretty much everything he got.

  42. Oh, and your Coulter Credits are just about used up. She’s irrelevant, especially around here.

    Is that what finally gets me jacked? An Ann Coulter quote? I can see why she is such a threat. Meet somebody smarter than you; stifle dissent. It’s the Obama way.

    Ann Coulter will write three best selling books alone at your expense, Rush Limbaugh more popular and richer than ever. There’s a zillion funny righties on the way up.

    I will try and limit my Ann Coulter remarks out of my utmost respect and love for you General.

  43. It is so obvious that not only is Palin a force, incredibly popular and controversial, and a dire threat to nags like Sensico, that she’s here to stay.

    Are you serious, I love Palin and will always stand by my position that she will be a star within the republican party for a long time. I don’t know where you get your info from. Palin is very entertaining and I hope she stays around for a long time. As future president NO, but as a popular political figure YES.

    And thanks for completely evading the issue on my last comment and since you can’t defend yourself I’ll assume I’m right and leave it at that.

  44. Is that what finally gets me jacked? An Ann Coulter quote? I can see why she is such a threat. Meet somebody smarter than you; stifle dissent. It’s the Obama way.

    ROTFLMAO! Tex, I thought you were around the bend defending that thug soldier albeit facetiously, but now you’ve really lost it! Ann Coulter with her smug, constantly mocking tone, is one of the few TV personalities who I want to reach through the screen and punch squarely in the jaw. But I’ll say this for Coulter and her best selling books … people buy them for the same reason they go to Palin rallies … for the freak show!

  45. Is that what finally gets me jacked? An Ann Coulter quote? I can see why she is such a threat. Meet somebody smarter than you; stifle dissent. It’s the Obama way.

    I figured you’d say that, but I was kinda joking there.

    If you really feel that Coulter quotes are some smart bomb in your arsenal, then by all means, fire away.

    I’ll try to contain my giggles.

    That desperate “80% of the public would never lie to pollsters” line? Fantastically insightful. 🙄 Oh, and did she ever campaign for Hillary, like she promised? I’m sure I missed it.

    She sells books not because of anything of substance, but because she’s just a righty shock-jock that tells the lemmings what they want to hear. That’s pretty much it.

  46. Rutherford, I am completely convinced that the skinny broad upon being punched by you, would put your wimpy pair so far up your torso, you’d be wearing them for earrings when she was thru with you.

    But I do understand the emotion – I often feel the same way about any MSNBC personality. Unfortunately, for you guys, it looks like that station may soon go the way of the dodo. Jeffrey Immelt will be canned for incompetence before too long. Can’t operate in a deficit forever. But then, there’s always CNN for the dimwits.

    No Chen, I don’t think Ann a lightweight and neither do you. I personally watched her dispose of the Rutherford type one after another on a libbie campus not to many years ago all by her lonesome. Show many any lib that would dare move out of their comfort zone? Cowards all. These foolish college types like Sensico would line up like morons to harass her, and she dropped them like flies with one witticism after another.

    You don’t like her because not only is she incredibly smart, she rips you a new asshole while doing so. Her hammering the 9/11 harpies and that was the end of the nags; they never whimpered again.

    She’s an American jewel. And anybody that is so scorned by your type is definitely A++ in my book.

  47. Sensico 😆

    What relevant point did you make? I needed my secret decoder pin to decipher your message and it wasn’t handy.

    Was it why don’t I have my own blog? Are you kidding? Why would I waste my time? This is free slave labor. And you want me to become one of the oarsmen when I can hold the whip?

    Child, you’re completely inane. Leave it to your witty idol Rutherford to carry forth with your arguments.

  48. Coulter? Try (and it is painful) reading the last few chapters of her book “Godless”. Excruciatingly bad. The phrase “jumped the shark” seems to apply in her case, even for conservatives.

  49. I have a question for you liberal types. A serious one this time.

    Now I know there has been dispute about cheating in elections, Bush stole the election in 2000, that governor thing out in Washington, etc…

    Do any of you have a problem with what apparently is going on in MN? Trying to be completely fair here, and I’ve watched a few stations, and read a few sites from both sides to be fair as I can be.

    But this really does appear to be fraudulent. Does that bother any of you to any degree?

    I ask this because it really does bother me. Obama is my president. We’ve got an overwhelming majority of Dems in Congress. But when the validity of elections is now being brought into question, I think it raises serious questions about how much longer we can go on this way.

  50. Election fraud bothers me too Tex, and I certainly wouldn’t just look the other way if Frankin got in that way.

    Oh, and per our convo upthread: No, “Martin Eisenstadt” wasn’t Fox News’s source for the Palin Africa smear

  51. Rutherford, I’ve made it clear I am by no means an enthusiastic Palin supporter. I feel she lacks the experience to be vice president. While I find the real Obama to be even more of an enigmatic and distant riddle, there would just be too little certainty of who the hell the real Palin is.

    But, those in attendance at Palin rallies are a freak show? Oh, Master of all Things Tolerant…how could you slur an entire crowd like that?

    What is so freakish about them?

    Why so serious?

    Oops…apparently I’m morphing into the Joker.

  52. And Chen, if you’re so obsessed about the “stupidhood” of Palin, why is the unbelievable lack of anything close to an American historic narrative by Biden not a big deal to you?

    That wasn’t a simple mix up of words. Biden showed us he is also a moron, in that regard. Maybe you have addressed this and I missed it, but what gives Chen?

    Tex is stone cold correct. The double standard is bind blowing. Your obsession with Palin is verging on creepy now. Let her go man. Let her go.

    Dude. Go to Match.com, find a liberal woman with a cute face, hairy pits and a purse full of patchouli laced granola and take her to some shabby-chic café that sells free trade coffee. But let Palin go.

    I told Chen he was obsessed with Palin in September. I can’t believe this is still the crux of what he comments about.

    I’m starting to think Chen spends his days in some sick basement lair prostrated in
    front of a jerry rigged shrine, flickering behind dozens of candles and plastered with newspaper cutouts of Palin.

  53. Rabbit,

    Good to see you again my old friend. It was getting lonely battling the den of pagans without your company.

    How is your wife doing? For that matter, how are you doing?

  54. Tex thanks for asking. We’re doing ok. This is the second miscarriage and we have been trying to have kids, without luck, for a half decade. Trust me on this one, infertility is a lonely, windy road that wears down on your psyche a bit.

    But, as Willie says, as I know you’re a big fan, we’re on the road again.

  55. Rabbit,

    Willie, huh? 😆

    Well, I have been thinking about you.

    Trust me on this one, infertility is a lonely, windy road that wears down on your psyche a bit.

    Oh, I am sure of that. I have to assume your wife a jewel like many of your comments here on the board. Does seem twisted that so many nice couples who would make excellent parents experience infertility or miscarriage, but we’ve got scumbags and crack whores who apparently can make one baby after another.

    My wife never experienced any problems, other than one difficult birth, but we had two couple friends, both who have experienced what you and your wife did. They both adopted and seem happy.

    My problems were just the opposite of yours. My biggest problem was that I finally found something I was really good at – outstanding even.

    Wouldn’t you know God made me fit for stud duty, only to give me a wife who told me about three years and two beautiful kids into marriage, “Honey, it is time for one of us to lose our gifts.” So I volunteered a few years later. My sacrifice has been completely forgotten for about the last 10 if you get my drift.

    I think I’m ready for some priestly duty now.

  56. Oh my God, Tex is a eunch!

  57. Want to know pure bliss?

    Take 18 pounds of honey from a local apiary. Warm it and mix it with water. Add yeast too it, semi sweet. Ferment it for 2 years, changing vessels twice. Bottle it. Get it ice cold. Take a wine glass. Glaze the rim with the same honey you made the mead from home. Light up a Drew Estate cigar. Pour mead into the glass and drink like a Viking.

  58. My prediction? Minnesota becomes the “Land of 10,000 Fakes” (ballots) and Franken wins. Why? Because the American public has become the stupidest fooks on the face of the planet. When the average IQ of college students has now dropped to 105, that’s got to give you some idea how stupid we’ve become. When “the One” makes your average mouth-breathing illiterate moron pretend to work for ten weeks in return for free college tuition, watch out. It’s only going to get worse. In a couple of years McDonald’s will begin to require a college diploma to toss salt on french fries – and have a line snaking around the corner and up the block with applicants for the minimum wage jobs.

    You guys haven’t figured it out yet, have you? The reason the stock market is tanking is because a bunch of people with actual intelligence and zero patriotism are making hundreds of billions of dollars betting against this country. How ya gonna stem that tidal wave when we vote idiotic not-very-funny ‘comedians’ into office?

  59. Rabbit,

    Just for curiosity sake, how much does eighteen pounds of honey cost, if you don’t mind me asking? I will occasionally buy one of those 16oz. honey bear bottles from the grocery store – and it seems like that cost $4-5 dollars.

    It better taste good. Sounds like an incredible mess to make but a really potent recipe.

  60. Anybody read this horrid drivel?


    What a group of phonies. The MSM is going the way of the dinosaur and needs to go out in a blaze of glory. I am really enjoying watching them play the “we don’t want to lose you cause our livelihood is on the line but we can’t change our biased nature…” game.

    I think I preferred the lying, biased MSM pre-election. This post election, pseudo contrition is becoming increasingly nauseating. I suppose now that THE ONE has been elected, all the bias will magically disappear?

    The only thing that will disappear is attack mode switching to fawning mode. They’ve already started with how it will take a combination of Abraham Lincoln, FDR and Solomon to pull us from the depths – in otherwords, set the expectation bar real low and we can continue to lie some more, even if our circulation continues to dwindle.

    I also note the shit-eating grin disappearing from THE ONE’s face since elected. I guess reality is sitting in that it is time to put up or shut up.

    Muwahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!! 😆

  61. Tex,

    I bought 48 pounds of raw honey from a guy who runs an apiary as a hobby in his back yard. I spent 100 bucks. That’s actually a really good deal. Most of the honey you get in a store is pasteurized to the point of not really being honey any more. They even add corn sugar to sometimes.

  62. Actually, that sounds pretty cheap to me Rabbit. I didn’t honestly know they did much to honey before putting in to the shelf.

    I figured it was pretty sterile sitting in the comb.

  63. Tex, in your comments to Dead Rabbit, you posed the problem and the solution in one fell swoop. The answer to the “crack whores” who spew out babies (such a tolerant perspective!) is adoption.

    Back to politics, Rabbit, anyone who comes to the Jerry Springer Show is there to see an “event”. The same goes for the most recent pre-election Palin appearances. It started to become a matter of “who will be the next one to shout ‘kill him'”. Like I said, a freak show.

    Tex, I must confess that when I am not swallowing my urge to bodily harm Ms. Coulter, I am alternately perversely turned on by her utter disregard and disrespect for anyone who disagrees with her. She is the most unapologetically nasty person I have encountered anywhere. It’s almost admirable, again, in a perverse sort of way.

    In defense of Chen, who I know needs no defense from me, perhaps we would leave Palin alone if she would just go away? She keeps talking and talking and talking. Even Joe Scarborough, MSNBC’s lone conservative, has suggested that Sarah needs to go home, read a few friggin books and come back on the scene when she knows something. 🙂

  64. Rutherford,

    Though I think you reasonably bright for a lib, it is hard for me to take you too seriously, being that you can’t even recognize it isn’t Sarah Palin doing the chasing. You turn a complete blind eye to one side, never even given a moment’s thought of the dismal nature of your own party.

    Sarah may be making the mistake of agreeing to these horrid interviews and caught up in the celebrity, but it there wasn’t a fascination with her, the media (much of it left) wouldn’t be acting like the paparazzi. And neither would you or Chen.

    It isn’t Rabbit or me infatuated with the woman. I simply answer the remaining questions like I did with the dimwit named VirgoMonkey, and then the party begins again.

    Tex, I must confess that when I am not swallowing my urge to bodily harm Ms. Coulter, I am alternately perversely turned on by her utter disregard and disrespect for anyone who disagrees with her. She is the most unapologetically nasty person I have encountered anywhere. It’s almost admirable, again, in a perverse sort of way.

    That’s why you love me, right? 😉

    Ann Coulter is no more nasty than that awful Keith Olbermann clown – and a whole lot more intelligent. Like I said, it is hard to take your opinion seriously when it is so patently false in its premise.

  65. “R”,

    Tex, in your comments to Dead Rabbit, you posed the problem and the solution in one fell swoop. The answer to the “crack whores” who spew out babies (such a tolerant perspective!) is adoption.

    Contrary to your sides opinion just kill them and be done with it?

  66. “Back to politics, Rabbit, anyone who comes to the Jerry Springer Show is there to see an “event”. The same goes for the most recent pre-election Palin appearances. It started to become a matter of “who will be the next one to shout ‘kill him’”. Like I said, a freak show.”

    Dude. That is a line of bull. You know damn well all candidates have a certain amount of loons in the crowd. Hell, the same can be said for any crowd showing up for any event. Wow, how insightful of you. I read the same two news stories about those things yelled in the crowd. I also read news stories of Palin being portrayed naked on a giant framed painting in a popular Chicago bar, or even being depicted as lynched and hung. I don’t know what I do if someone did that to my wife.

    It’s not that you called all the people showing up at the McCain rally “freaks” that urks me, Mr. Tolerant. It’s your whole smooth talking, uber-educated, universal and all accepting wisdom that you usually try to drop here. A slight of hand. You’re transparent as all hell and bigot, “R”.

  67. Rabbit,

    “R” is all you said but worse than even you suggest. Not only does Rutherford believe he’s the big fish, he has little problem bending the truth to support his arguments.

    See this little jewel Rutherford posted to you Rabbit?

    It started to become a matter of “who will be the next one to shout ‘kill him’”.

    The only problem with Rutherford’s smear is that according to people in attendance at the rally and the secret service, nobody ever said that. Now I am having a very difficult time believing Rutherford doesn’t already know that charge was proven bogus.

    But Rutherford thinks the rest of us dumb enough that if he continues to mouth a lie often enough, it then becomes fact.

    If there is one immutable truth I have discovered about Rutherford’s type and the respective bigotry that always follows, it’s this:

    If there wasn’t something about Palin that didn’t resonate with the opposing masses, and she wasn’t perceived as a future worth in possible investment, you would hear nary a word about her from Rutherford.

    Here’s another that will be on their future radar of hate: Bobby Jindal. Rutherford will have a little more difficulty mocking Bobby because Jindal’s scholastic credential exemplary. So they will go after him for his religious beliefs. You can count on it.

  68. Is Jindal Hindu?

  69. Is Jindal Hindu?

    LOL. No! Much, much, much worse. A Evangelical Christian and now I think Catholic.

    Sheer terrorism…

  70. Rabbit,

    You know how you’ve heard about all the abuses of Big Brother since Bush took the helm?

    Do you even hear a word from the phony liberal types about abuses of ordinary citizens? Say, like Joe the Plumber types?

    Anything here like this where the information was provided to national media illegally? Half-dozen agencies access records of Ohio man.


  71. Well, the ACLU is on the case, Tex.

  72. Chen,

    Lame. If it had been a Dim, the ACLU wouldn’t be calling on the Gov. to investigate. They’d be suing the pants off somebody that had been a bunch of McCain supporters…

    The ACLU is a shill…for liberalism, of course.

  73. Hey, it looks like I have to admit I was wrong to the libbies. Obama winning the election has already been able to stimulate the economy (while tanking the market):



    Buying stock in Smith & Wesson is looking good!

  74. You voted for FRANKEN?!?!?

    How hardcore of a liberal moonbat are you? Al Franken doesn’t have a clue about anything in government, and would be happy for us to live in a police state just so that he can provide health care to every American. Yes, socialized medicine is the most misanthropic policy one can adopt.

  75. Contrary to your sides opinion just kill them and be done with it?

    Not entirely sure I followed you there Tex but I think my answer is yes, I favor adoption over abortion, which has NOTHING to do with a woman’s right to choose. I find it hard to believe that anyone would advocate abortion as the best outcome but that does not mean the rights of the mother go out the window.


    Ooooooo poor Joe the Plumber and Sarah Palin. They’re crying all the way to the bank as they set up their respective book deals. Yeah, that’s how much they value their privacy.

    I actually mention old Bobby J in one of my recent blog posts. Take my word for it, Tex and Rabbit, Bobby ain’t your man. By the time he is finished, the Republicans will look like just a different flavor of Democrat. He (and Tim Pawlenty) wants to modernize the party. You’d be best to stick with your girl Sarah. She’ll let you keep your guns for all that moose huntin’.

    Speaking of guns, yeah Tex ain’t that something that once Obama won, a whole bunch of folk went gun buying. Considering that behavior, aren’t we lucky “their guy” didn’t win the election? 🙂

    PUBLIC APOLOGY TO PALIN CROWDS: Your defenders Tex and Dead Rabbit are right. It is wrong for me to broadstroke you for the behavior of a few loonies. Besides, it’s not your fault that you rose in a chorus of boos during McCain’s concession speech. You’ve been hopped up by Sarah – the pot-stirrer – Palin.

    Guys if you want to see the effect of poisonous campaigning compare a tape of Kerry’s concession speech in 04 with that of McCain’s in 08. While McCain’s was ten times more gracious and truly honorable, his crowd was noticeably more hostile. Real shame. He reaped what he sowed.

  76. How hardcore of a liberal moonbat are you?

    I can answer that question. Somewhere to the left of granite or tungsten steel.

  77. <blockquote?I find it hard to believe that anyone would advocate abortion as the best outcome but that does not mean the rights of the mother go out the window.

    Ironic in your concern, you fail to mention the rights of the one terminated

  78. Tex, admittedly a very tough choice.

  79. Tex, admittedly a very tough choice.

    Not if you ask the right question first. Because the first question one must ask is, “is it a baby?”

    Everything else follows from there.

    But I am glad to see you’re not the militant type. And that surprises me…

  80. “Speaking of guns, yeah Tex ain’t that something that once Obama won, a whole bunch of folk went gun buying. Considering that behavior, aren’t we lucky “their guy” didn’t win the election?”

    I don’t even understand what the hell that means????

  81. “R” you’ve convinced me.

    GOP supporters are all bad guys.

    Those supporters of McCain-Palin are all boorish behaving boobs. 1%ers. It must be.

    The crowd was so much more graceful when Kerry conceded the election the NEXT day. In fact, when Kerry gives speeches it’s always so civilized and tranquil.

    Don’t taze me, bro.

    Hell, I’ve never witnessed leftist protesters interrupting anything before. If I did, surely I would use that as fodder to paint brush the entire Democratic Party.

    Fascinating. Pirates have hijacked an oil tanker. The economy is a cluster-fuck. Obama is piecing his cabinet together.

    And what does the sophisticated “R” deem important for forum discussion? The “boos” he heard on election night. Your drivel is as politically relevant as my posts on fermenting honey.

    Wow, what role are you playing in the “change we can believe in”?

    You remind me of a vindictive 14 year old girl rubbing it in because she danced with Johnny Quaterback at the sock hop and Valerie didn’t.

  82. Rabbit, now you’ve lost me. I’m just dancing to your music. You wanna change the thread topic to an economy in free-fall, a next to impossible military exercise in Afghanistan, or the wimpy Dem’s letting Joe Lieberman off the hook? No problem. But if the song you wanna play is the “poor Sarah Palin and Joe the Plumber” song, then that’s the one I’m gonna dance to. This thread started on the topic of Al Franken and it was Tex who introduced Sarah into the mix. Poor Joe the Plumber’s privacy rights got inserted later (not by me).

    It’s funny how liberals get accused of “not letting go” on the Sarah Palin thing yet you will take every opportunity to use her as some sort of martyr for the conservative cause.

    As I think I said earlier in this thread, if Sarah would just go away …. and you would let her go away, her name need never be mentioned again.

  83. 1. The creation of the world is the most marvellous achievement imaginable.

    2. The merit of an achievement is the product of (a) its intrinsic quality, and (b) the ability of its creator.

    3. The greater the disability or handicap of the creator, the more impressive the achievement.

    4. The most formidable handicap for a creator would be non-existence.

    5. Therefore, if we suppose that the universe is the product of an existent creator, we can conceive a greater being — namely, one who created everything while not existing.

    6. An existing God, therefore, would not be a being than which a greater cannot be conceived, because an even more formidable and incredible creator would be a God which did not exist.

    7.(Hence) God does not exist.

  84. Hey,

    Were in good hands with Pres. Elect Numbnuts. Looks like he might be appointing Soros’ boys for our foreign defense, International Crisis Group (ICG). The same ICG founded by the oil-for-food scandal baron, former disgraced UN official Mark Malloch Brown.


    You can’t make this crap up!

    Man, I can already feel the burn of change. You might be needing about spf 2,000,000 by the time Obama is through with changing. There’s a fast way to fix SS. Just wipe out about 100,000,000 citizens and bingo, you’re fixed!

  85. Consider our “new” foreign policy experts taking the mantle. Wouldn’t you like to be a military guy about right now Rabbit?

    John Murtha – “I will not excuse murder. And this is what happened. There’s no question in my mind about it.

    John Kerry – “And there is no reason, Bob, that young American soldiers need to be going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night, terrorizing kids and children, you know, women, breaking sort of the customs of the – of – the historical customs, religious customs.”

    Dick Durbin – “If I read this to you and did not tell you that it was an FBI agent describing what Americans had done to prisoners in their control, you would most certainly believe this must have been done by Nazis, Soviets in their gulags or some mad regime — Pol Pot or others — that had no concern for human beings.”

    Harry Reid – “I believe …that this war is lost, and this surge is not accomplishing anything.”


  86. Rabbit, you just blew my mind.

  87. A priceless comment from a Haaavard graduate:

    Getting into those schools, for a black man with anything approaching decent grades, especially one with very influential friends, is not hard. Hell, I got into Harvard, as did my older brother who was editor of the law review his 3rd year, and who taught at Cornell law for a year. And the man is so dumb he can’t pull his head out of his own ass long enough to run his own life, much less a country. SO forgive me if I am not impressed with that particular line of credentials, that Obama happens to share.

    He pubished nothing during his law review stint. Not one thing. Yet we are supposed to believe he wrote 2 books on his own? Whether or not they are well-written-and I don’t believe they are-has little to do with Obama.

    ~ momof3

  88. Tex, we’re a nation of laws. Stop mourning the loss of the cowboys. We can kick al qaeda’s ass and still keep the respect of the civilized nations of the world in the process. It’ll make our victory over them just that much sweeter.

  89. Uh oh,

    Now they’ve gone and pissed off “THE ONE”. Al-Queda is in big trouble now. You don’t use a racial epithet to insult a prophet!

    AMERICAN JIHAD! Which of you libs is going to volunteer for Obamessiah first?

  90. Stop mourning the loss of the cowboys.

    Yes, it’s been a bitch since Tony Romo broke his pinkie! Oh, those cowboys!

    Yeah, I’m sure will gain a lot of respect with your friends stealing food from children while working on the defense part. And the blue helmets from the U.N. – rough and tumble (when they’re not running or raping the local women).

  91. Tex, I’m curious about whether Momof3 got into Harvard or ATTENDED Harvard. Also, without knowing her attitude toward her experience at Harvard, her comments are out of context. I’d need to know more about her before I gave her opinion much credence. She clearly has brother issues … probably daddy issues too. Bottom line, Obama will be President of the United States, she and her brother won’t. Comparison ends there as far as I’m concerned.

  92. Obama will be President of the United States

    If I were a “progressive” conservative, somewhere in there would be a joke about “he ain’t my President.”

  93. Now they’ve gone and pissed off “THE ONE”.

    I was surprised by the restraint. Why didn’t they just cut to the chase and issue a fatwa on him?

    Al qaeda’s preemptive strike is just evidence that they’re afraid their anti-white-establishment shtick isn’t going to hold as much water anymore.

  94. Al qaeda’s preemptive strike is just evidence that they’re afraid their anti-white-establishment shtick isn’t going to hold as much water anymore.

    Al Queda isn’t going to strike. Not yet anyway. Why would they? These guys are smarter than we give them credit.

    When you got a load of useful idiots standing in the batter’s box, you just sit back and watch things implode.

  95. I should have been clearer …. by preemptive strike I was referring to al-Zawahiri’s anti-Obama bombast before the man has even taken office.

  96. In all seriousness, with al-Zawahiri’s continually showing up on video, another reason I think Osama is still taking a dirt nap.

    I may be the only one thinking that, but I still say the evil SOB died some pitiful death some years back.

  97. I rip Presisdent Bush on many things, but he gets full ‘props’ from me for defending our country after 9/11. The proof is in the pudding.

    Over the last few years, many of the internet-left have refused to acknowledge the existence of an evil Al Queda. I’ve seen post after post waxing on how Al Queda is either a fictional construct of W or almost a justifiable derivative spawned from so called “American Imperialism”.

    Cultural relativism runs deep in the intellectual left. Evil for evil’s sake doesn’t exist to them.

    That position will be harder to defend now with Obama as president. This is what I see as an upside to an Obama presidency. I live amongst more Arab speakers then one could find anywhere else in the U.S. al-Zawahiri’s use of the word “abbid” means “niger” not “house negro.” It is a myth that racism doesn’t exist in the Islamic World. Al-Queda are more then pan-Islamic nut jobs. Arab nationalism also runs deep in their legacy.

    Sparing you all a history lesson from Dead Rabbit, I will only pose a few questions.

    1.Will history show the war in Iraq to have been an actual war against Al Queda, a war in which AQ poured in tons of resources and then lost? After all, AQ themselves concede the war in Iraq to be “their” war.

    2.Did the war in Iraq ultimately create a wedge in the Islamic world, playing up the Arab nationalism and radical Sunni supremacy of AQ and, contrary to popular belief, stifle AQ recruiting?

    3.Of course, if you answer yes to the second question, a fair response could be, “did we push the Shiite world/Iran to be even more militaristic”? Was it worth it?

    Whatever the case, Obama is in the hot seat now. Will he allow the Middle East to melt down and force the Israelis to attack? Let’s suppose Obama has the mysterious skills to “talk” Iran out of acquiring the bomb, does even have time now?

    I predict Obama’s foreign policy will be indistinguishable from Bush’s because the glaring threat he will face everyday is exactly what many a Obama supporters refuse to acknowledge: unmitigated evil.

  98. Rabbit,

    The shrews at THE CHAMBER still haven’t answered my question of days gone by, because they deny Al-Queda existed in Iraq before Bush pushed for war and Iraq just happened to be full of peaceful people (like Abu Nidal). Fair enough – I don’t believe that because I happen to think Al-Queda are all over the ME, but let’s assume they were correct.

    So we go to Iraq, Osama’s boys show up, and we kill them off by the bushel on Saddam’s soil, overthrowing him to boot.

    So my question was and is: what’s wrong with that strategy? Would you guys rather fight them on our soil?

    You’ll never get a straight answer…

  99. “So we go to Iraq, Osama’s boys show up, and we kill them off by the bushel on Saddam’s soil, overthrowing him to boot.

    So my question was and is: what’s wrong with that strategy? Would you guys rather fight them on our soil?” -Tex

    A very good question indeed. One that I don’t understand that Chen’s crowd can dismiss so quickly.

    I can’t imagine anything making a liberal, cultural relativist squirm more then the Al Queda dropping of N-Bombs. To the relativist, all views are fair game, except for racial ones.

  100. Rabbit,

    I owe you some kudos. You’ve learned well down at “da docks.” Much better than I did in those hallowed halls of academia. And I wish I didn’t have to give you this accolade because it has been really bad for all of us, though some too ignorant to notice yet who frequent this board.

    Remember when we were debating about the bailout package? And I told you that I wasn’t sure what to do, because I consider my knowledge of macro economics pretty limited? So I said, “I think we should let the experts make the call”? And you probably thought I was an idiot for not taking a harder stand?

    Well, my friend. You were right and I was wrong because in a moment of weakness, I forgot a basic tenet of what I believe. That is, our illustrious government couldn’t find its ass with both hands, and is certainly no solution to any problem but protecting us.

    So now I am forced to take a stand and make a statement of what I believe to be fact, that even the most fatuous of libs like Rutherford and Chen can’t deny.

    After watching the markets today tank to levels, some not seen since 1997, I believe people have made their call about their faith in government fixing things. While Obama may have won the election with a majority vote, they apparently have little faith in his ability to be of much consequence fixing things.

    So it has become very apparent to me that it wasn’t Obama who won this election because of his appeal as the libs would like us to believe, but McCain being even more unappealing.

    There is no doubt that at least among the wealth holders of this country, most all think Obama and his appointments of change a complete sham.

    I hope you and your wife are doing okay! 😉

  101. One small footnote…

    Since Obama’s huge, huge, huge win, the hope of the market has dropped 20%. Change indeed!

    ~ Tex

  102. Tex-

    The shrews at THE CHAMBER still haven’t answered my question of days gone by, because they deny Al-Queda existed in Iraq before Bush pushed for war and Iraq just happened to be full of peaceful people (like Abu Nidal). Fair enough – I don’t believe that because I happen to think Al-Queda are all over the ME, but let’s assume they were correct.

    So we go to Iraq, Osama’s boys show up, and we kill them off by the bushel on Saddam’s soil, overthrowing him to boot.

    So my question was and is: what’s wrong with that strategy? Would you guys rather fight them on our soil?

    You’ll never get a straight answer…

    The disconnect as I see it:

    If one assumes everyone that we’re killing over there would have been the 20th hijacker; that they really were “Osama’s boys” before the invasion, and the “flypaper” theory has merit, it could be argued that it is a preferable strategy (although I’m not so sure the Iraqis should be thrilled about throwing their society into chaos while using their soil as a sort of killing fields for jihadis).

    On the other side of the coin, people would say that 90+% of the jihadis we faced wouldn’t have been predisposed to join the AQ ranks if we hadn’t invaded, and that the invasion itself legitimized AQ’s gripe and served as the ultimate recruitment tool, and as a result cultivated a generation of war-hardened anti-American militants. In other words, its just made the problem worse in the macro view.

    Is there a straight answer? Its probably somewhere in between. No one wants terrorism on our soil. The debate is on what strategy best keeps them off.

    Not so long ago here in the Chamber, I summarized my take on the WoT as a conflict that is more about banks and spooks than about tanks and troops, and that this is a fight that is won in the shadows for the most part. Traditional counterterrorism is still the preferred method.

    And as I’ve also stated in the past here, I do not buy into the notion that “9/11 changed everything”, or even that we should view the situation through a “post-9/11 world” lens (beyond some of the obvious lessons learned like locking cockpit doors, better airport screening, etc.) It was one lost battle in the war that has been going on for decades, and the type event that many predicted. It required a measured response and a tweaking of our tactics and methodology, not “shock and awe”.

  103. Though I think your hypothesis absolutely ludicrous about 90% of them not being terrorists before our entrance into Iraq and removal of Saddam, let’s assume for a minute you are right. Only half of them were.

    The question still holds. We were going to have to fight the war. Why not take the war to them and do it on Middle Eastern soil, while removing a thug that had thumbed his nose at 17 U.N. resolutions, bragged he would kill G.W. Sr., and paid bounty for suicide bombings in Israel?

    9/11 didn’t change everything. It was the final straw. And the war the answer to a series of terrorist attacks that the previous leader of the free world was too gutless to defend.

    And apparently it was a war that was one – without the help of the left, I might add.

    that this is a fight that is won in the shadows for the most part

    Yes, that method apparently worked very well to prevent the first WTC attack, the Khobar Towers, and the USS Cole. Aren’t you the one that mocked “our intelligence” of working in the shadows?

  104. won/one

  105. I give kudos to Rabbit for a different reason. Even though I hate hearing the “N” word or seeing it in print, Rabbit confirmed a suspicion of mine. When the story first broke about al-Zawahiri calling Obama the “house negro”, I turned to my wife and said “bulls*it, Zawahiri called him a n****r. The press is just sweetening up the Arabic translation.” If what Rabbit says is accurate, I was right on the money.

  106. In all seriousness, with al-Zawahiri’s continually showing up on video, another reason I think Osama is still taking a dirt nap.
    I may be the only one thinking that, but I still say the evil SOB died some pitiful death some years back.

    Tex, hate to tell you this but there is a much more repugnant alternative to the Osama hiding in a cave story besides his being dead. According to journalist Christiane Amanpour, Bin Laden is living in a villa in Pakistan. She says it approximately one minute into this YouTube clip. Cave, my ass.

  107. Tex, your comments on the stock market drop since Obama’s election put you basically in the same class as Rush Limbaugh. He blames Obama for the recession. You blame him for not changing anything when he hasn’t taken office yet. How ludicrous.

  108. Rutherford,

    I know your knowledge of Wall Street nominal, but perceptions equal reality in the stock market, as the market a predictor of things to come. There is no doubt now that the money managers and hedge funds have spoken and there is no confidence in Pres. Elect Obama, your 2006 Dimocratic party, and the proposed staff of “change”.

    There can be no doubt now that Wall Street disapproves of Obama proposals, including but not limited to his tax proposal, his capital gains tax, and FISA cap being removed. Fear is now the rule of management and the Pres. Elect is doing nothing to alleviate the fear; an incredibly weak commentary on his behalf.

    Your time for lying is over with – and the market has spoken. The 2006 Dimocratic Congress is a dismal failure. It is time for you to take responsibility for the failure of your abysmal voting record.

    And since Rush just signed the largest entertainment contract in U.S. history, I can only dream of being in the class of Rush Limbaugh.

    P.S. – Christiane Amanpour is a farce, blatantly anti-Semitic, generally anti-American, and is generally disregarded as she is a Hezbollah and Hamas sympathizer. I can see why you would like her.

  109. LOL! Check out my examples of idiotic ballots above, then check out the real ones. I wasn’t too far off!

    And Tex-

    P.S. – Christiane Amanpour is a farce, blatantly anti-Semitic, generally anti-American, and is generally disregarded as she is a Hezbollah and Hamas sympathizer. I can see why you would like her.

    Christiane ROCKS!

  110. OH MY! I made a mistake from above…

    Christiane ROCKS!

    I can see why you ^ and Chenzhen would like her.

    For somebody who has good taste in good looking dogs, you sure got bad taste in women. I have a name for Christiane types: pumice face. It looks like she’s been scrubbing with it for at least 50 years.

  111. Since I’ve got four years to rag on “THE ONE”, I shall cut you guys some slack and give you possibly the stupidest punishment that I believe I have ever read. As always, from the feckless U.N. to boot:


    What kind of a dumbass believes sanctions will work with pirates? How about a few thermobaric bombs into the wheelhouse?

    There’s probably something in there for the new George Soros/Obama defense team to steal and profit from, though.

  112. I know your knowledge of Wall Street nominal, but perceptions equal reality in the stock market, as the market a predictor of things to come. There is no doubt now that the money managers and hedge funds have spoken and there is no confidence in Pres. Elect Obama, your 2006 Dimocratic party, and the proposed staff of “change”.

    ROTFLMAO, Tex looks like Obama was listening to you. Barack leaks Tim Geitner’s name as new Treas Secretary and the market goes up 500 points. Yup, I have to admit you were right. Obama can positively effect the market. 🙂

  113. Mathematics from the leftist of left…

    Tex looks like Obama was listening to you. Barack leaks Tim Geitner’s name as new Treas Secretary and the market goes up 500 points. Yup, I have to admit you were right. Obama can positively effect the market.

    Only in a lib’s world would a 15% drop instead of a 20% be considered a positive effect…

    And thank you for finally admitting that Obama’s election has affected the market – in this case, to the tune of a 2 trillion loss.

    Change we can believe in! 😉

  114. Rutherford,

    I see your gutless are already up to their old tricks of lowering the bar of expectations. Not this time bucko. We are now actively working to hold the MSM accountable for their lies. We demand change we can believe in! Better start working your miracles…


  115. […] inclined to take us back to a post I made back in November, before the recount began, where I posed this question: If Franken does wind up winning, and it’s the dummies that put him over the top, what does that […]

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