
Mr. ‘Freedom Fries’ Lost His Freedom

January 20, 2007

Bob Ney, the Ohio Republican who coined the term ‘freedom fries’ (and ‘freedom toast’) in 2003, has been smacked in the head with a bit of irony:

WASHINGTON (AP) — Former Rep. Bob Ney was sentenced Friday to 30 months in federal prison for his role in a congressional bribery scandal.

Ney, the first congressman ensnared in the case, pleaded guilty to trading official favors for golf trips, tickets, meals and campaign donations from disgraced lobbyist Jack Abramoff.

I’m not sure if this constitutes a trend, but Ney is doing a Mark Foley, and blaming the bottle:

Ney also wanted Huvelle to rule that his corruption was influenced by alcohol addiction. His lawyers had asked that the six-term lawmaker be recommended for a prison drug abuse program, which could make him eligible for release in about a year.

When he agreed to plead guilty, Ney apologized to his constituents and said he was checking into an alcohol treatment program.

Perhaps we need to bring back the 18th Amendment?  You know, to ensure that our Congress is corruption-free?

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